JINGFENG HUMIC ACID  > Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer

Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Fertilizer Powder Composition:

  1. The primary source is the brown macroalgae Ascophyllum nodosum, also known as rockweed or Norwegian kelp.
  2. The seaweed is harvested, dried, and then subjected to a controlled fermentation process.
  3. The fermentation process helps to break down the cell walls and release a wide range of beneficial compounds, including:
    • – Polysaccharides (alginates, laminarin, fucoidan)
    • – Betaines and other quaternary ammonium compounds
    • – Vitamins (B1, B12, C, E)
    • – Amino acids
    • – Phytohormones (auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins)
    • – Macro and micronutrients
Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer
Product code JFHA-GSE-P
Appearance Green Powder
Solubility in water 100%w/w
PH 6.8
Organic matter ≥60%w/w
Alginate ≥40%w/w
Seaweed oligosaccharides ≥50%w/w
Amino acids ≥1.5%w/w
Nitrogen ≥1 %w/w
Potassium(K20) ≥20%w/w
Mannitol ≥1.5%w/w

Properties of Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer:

  1. The fermented Ascophyllum nodosum extract is processed into a fine, green-colored powder.
  2. The Seaweed Extract Fertilizer powder is highly soluble in water, allowing for easy mixing and application.
  3. The fermentation process enhances the bioavailability and effectiveness of seaweed’s active compounds.
  4. High content of alginate, small molecular seaweed oligosaccharide, anti hard water, deflocculation, efficient instant.

Benefits of Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer:

  1. Stimulates root growth and development, leading to improved nutrient and water uptake.
  2. Enhances photosynthesis and chlorophyll production, boosting plant vigor.
  3. Increases resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and pests.
  4. Promotes the growth and activity of beneficial soil microorganisms.
  5. Provides a natural source of organic matter and plant-available nutrients.
  6. Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder fertilizer Helps plants better manage environmental challenges and improve overall crop quality and yield.

Application Methods:

  1. Soil Application:
    • – Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer can be applied directly to the soil as a top-dressing or mixed into soil before planting.
    • – Helps stimulate root growth and development, as well as improve overall soil health.
  2. Foliar Application:
    • – Can be applied as a foliar spray directly onto the leaves and stems of plants.
    • – Helps enhance photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, and stress tolerance.
  3. Hydroponics/Irrigation System:
    • – Can be added to nutrient solution in hydroponic systems or irrigation water.
    • – Allows for easy and uniform distribution of seaweed extract powder fertilizer to the plant roots.

Application Rates:

The recommended application rates for green seaweed extract powder fertilizer can vary depending on specific crop, soil conditions, and desired results. However, here are some general guidelines:
  1. Soil Application:
    • – 1-4 lbs per acre as a soil amendment or top-dressing.
    • – Mix thoroughly into soil before planting.
  2. Foliar Application:
    • – 0.5-2 lbs per acre, applied as a foliar spray.
    • – Reapply every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.
  3. Hydroponics/Irrigation System:
    • – 1-2 oz per 100 gallons of nutrient solution or irrigation water.
    • – Adjust concentration based on the specific crop and growing conditions.
It’s important to follow our instructions and adjust the application rates based on factors such as crop type, growth stage, soil conditions, and environmental factors. Conducting small-scale trials can also help determine the optimal application rates for your specific needs. Remember to always use the product according to the label instructions and safety precautions. If you have any further questions, please consult with an agricultural or horticultural specialist.

Based on the product details, here are some package options that could be available for Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer:

  • – 1kg bags
  • – 10kg bags
  • – 25 kg (55 lb) bags
  • – 50 lb (22.7 kg) bags
  • – 1 metric ton (1,000 kg) super sacks
  • – 20 kg (44 lb) boxes
  • – 50 lb (22.7 kg) boxes
Packaging material could be:
  • – Aluminium foil bags
  • – Kraft paper bags
  • – Woven polypropylene bags
  • – Cardboard boxes with plastic liners
The specific package sizes and materials may vary depending on our standards and target markets. Some key considerations for the packaging include:
  • – Ease of handling and transportation
  • – Moisture and air-tight sealing to maintain product quality
  • – Compatibility with common agricultural equipment and storage facilities
  • – Sustainable and environmentally-friendly options, where possible
It’s also worth noting that we may offer custom packaging solutions or bulk delivery options based on customer’s specific requirements. Discussing packaging needs with us would be recommended to ensure the most suitable options are available.

Enzymolysis Green Seaweed Extract Powder Fertilizer

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