1.Benefits of Fulvic acid uses in agriculture

Used in agriculture, fulvic acid can adjust the pH of the soil, increase the aggregate structure of the soil, improve the soil, in particularly to improve the effect of the saline-alkali soil. Also has obvious effect on the farmland with the low organic matter.

fulvic acid in agricultureIt has obvious effect of nitrogen fixation and phosphorus degradation. The volatile loss of nitrogen can be reduced, and the phosphorus in soil or phosphate fertilizer can be transformed into soluble state, which can be easily absorbed by crops.

Improve the quality of crops and stimulate the growth of crops.

Non-toxic and odorless. No side effect. Preventing and treating diseases and insect pests etc.

2. Current situation of Chemical Fertilizer and Agricultural Fertilizer

In recent years, with the reform of the rural economic constitution, the development of the second and third industries is fast. And the transfer of the rural labor force causes the farmers in the suburbs or the economically developed regions to pay no attention to the application of the organic fertilizer.

Because the application of the organic fertilizer is more labor-intensive.  The time is long, The nutrient content is low.  The farmers depend on the input of the chemical fertilizer.  Especially the excessive application of the nitrogen fertilizer, so as to obtain the short-term high-benefit.

So that the proportion of the nitrogen, the phosphorus and the potassium in the soil will be inproper. And the agricultural region is degraded.

3. Farmers should pay attention to the mixed application of organic and inorganic fertilizers

It is known that the nature of the organic fertilizer is organic carbon. Which is the fundamental difference with the inorganic mineral fertilizer. The mixed application of the organic and inorganic fertilizer has the advantages of more comprehensive and superior performance than the inorganic compound fertilizer and the organic compound fertilizer.

The nitrogen, the phosphorus and the potassium nutrient balance of the inorganic compound fertilizer .  The unique organic and inorganic balance can be realized. The balance between the large and medium trace elements can be better finished.The balanced fertilization can be carried out more comprehensively.

The energy can be directly provided for the soil microorganism. And the organic matters is provided for the soil.The soil biological activity can be improved. This will not only produce high yield, stable and stable quality.  But also increase the soil fertility year by year.

4. Agriculture uses fulvic acid benefits on increasing yield

The fulvic acid uses in agriculture not only contains three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also contains medium and trace elements and fulvic acid. The addition of the fulvic acid has obvious increasing effect on the crops such as wheat, corn, cotton, watermelon etc.

The effect of the fulvic acid on the wheat: 15-30% higher than that of the general fertilizer. The wheat root system can be developed, the effective ear is more, the grain is full, and the thousand-grain weight is increased.

The effect of the fulvic acid on the cotton: inhibiting bacteria and resisting disease, preventing root rot of cotton, and preventing cotton yellow wilt. In the present stage of the cotton, the leaf color is very green and the fruit rate is high. Can improve the cotton fiber quality and increase the fiber strength. Has the function of regulating, and can prevent the early leaves falling of the cotton.So that the medium-term stability is long and the later period is prolonged. Can be used as a base fertilizer, and can be used as an topdressing fertilizer.

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